Concordances and Characters

GPC9-25 is an imaginary world described in the History Channel exobiology documentary "Alien Faces".

This planet is half the diameter of Earth and is full of surface water. Its gravity is very weak in comparison to Earth's. The dominant climate is temperate due to its home star being weaker than the sun, and the planet is known to contain cool forests, swamps and wetlands. The planet contains absolutely zero deserts, and very little mountains.

Certain parts of the planets surface are covered in purple rather than green, suggesting that in the early evolution of plants, that two different chemicals were used to photosynthesize. The chemicals Are most likely Chlorophyll, which would make the plants leaves green, and Retinol, which would make purple plants and is theorized that primitive plants used this chemical to photosynthesize due to its simplicity.

Since the gravity of GPC9-25’s gravity is much lower than earths, the plants on the planet grow to ginormous scale, reaching possibly hundreds of feet tall. Animals on the planet could grow to such large proportions as well, like the Swaystacks, which can grow up to 10-30 feet, and are, for the most part, sessile organisms. The swaystacks move very little in their life, acting mostly like a plant, moving only a bit and then rooting themselves to the ground again. In order to reproduce, they find floating organisms like the Lollygar, and spray their spores on them, and then the roving lollygars can disperse their offspring into other areas where they fall of and begin to grow. Lollygars are floating organisms which use inflated sacs of air to float, and use long tentacles 20-30 feet long to reach the ground, searching for land animals to sting and then eat.
