Concordances and Characters

Split alphabetically[]

Should this list be split alphabetically? It would make it easier to edit, and probably also to locate a name. I was thinking of adding Tamora Pierce, but wasn't sure because she's a young adult novelist and I figured if she's not here already, there must be a reason. LeaHazel 09:57, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

It's entirely possible that it should be split. I confess I don't use it much myself, since I have a few series that I concentrate on, whenever I can find time to do editing here in the first place. As far as Tamora Pierce goes, the only reason she's not in the list is that I haven't read her and aren't that familiar; the list is certainly non-exhaustive. By all means add some Tamora Pierce if you want! Alfvaen 05:22, 9 March 2007 (UTC)